And the blogging continues! For my second choice blog, I've decided to write about pinterest. I have a pinterest account and it is similar to a picture blogging site. When you create an account, you create boards that you pin different pictures to. These boards are categorized by things like designs, crafts, food, hair and beauty tips, home decor, fashion, quotes, and many more! Pinterest does have much more appeal to gir;s because most pining consists of future wedding planning, quotes that relate to life, and anything that you can monogram.
I pinned this just a few days ago because I think that it looks super comfortable and cute!
That is usually how you decide to pin something when on pinterest: if you like it and if you want to remember it, you pin it. Before I got a pinterest, it was described to me like a cork-board, you put up all of the things and ideas that you like and want to remember. The other nice thing about pinterest is that there are tutorials for just about anyting you can find on the site. From how to do a certain braid, to how to make a trendy new hair tie yourself, the things that you see on pinterest and think that you'd like to do yourself can be done thanks to all the tutorials.
Cute and casual braid and bun |
Dent-free hair ties
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