Thursday, November 8, 2012

Charter Schools 11/9 Current Event

No Charter Schools.

During the recent election, Amendment 1 was on the voting ballot. This amendment allows the proliferation of more charter schools in Georgia. When these charter schools are established, they will be in the hands of private management, in hope of creating a better education for all. The common argument for more charter schools is that it will provide more efficient education and no government bureaucracy. This legislation was approved with over 50% "Yes" votes two days ago.

Charter schools promise to provide better education, but that promise can be aggressively contended. The act of allowing private management to take control of K-12 education is horribly incorrect. Private management will be in hopes of establishing for-profit educational institutions here in Georgia, and in the United States. These private management companies will most likely put their interests ahead of the students of Georgia. There is almost no possible way for a private company to provide better education at a lower cost and make a profit at the same time. In charter schools, there will be one thing that will be sacrificed, education or money. As we know from corporate America, money does come first, though these companies promise not to. 

These private management firms will be able to receive grants and other types of donations from individuals and groups. This is utterly unacceptable. As hundreds of wealthy individuals contribute money, they obviously will want their interests ahead of others. And these private companies must also follow the pressures of the rich, as they rely on their donations as profit generators. These wealthy individuals will likely want the education to be tailored for some type of cause. Also these companies could even use this extra capital to lobby local governments to even lower the restrictions imposed on them by the state. This effectively surrenders the public's control on the future of this nation, K-12 education.

As charter schools will be increasing in Georgia, they will also be increasing nationwide. Multiple states have set in legislation in their state congresses to allow the proliferation of these "educational" institutions. Many states are pro "less government" will likely see their educational systems be taken over by privation companies protected by local legislature and even by federal laws (all thanks to lobbying). The proliferation of charter schools must stop as they are for-profit educational institutions that will put their interests ahead of the millions of hardworking students of this nation.


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