Sunday, November 11, 2012


          There's a huge controversy over the arbitrary lines of psychological disorders/issues. There really is no place where we mark "this is where all problems are labeled medical concerns". So to argue that internet addiction is an actual addiction, underneath our definition of an addiction, sure. Yeah. Fine. It's an addiction. Even scientifically proven through MRI scans, the brains of internet addicts contain abnormal connections just as those of any drug addict would have. I'll admit, it's a real mental problem, because your mind gets messed up when something foreign and unfamiliar is administered to you.

Addiction is defined as "a state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma". I could be in love with my dog, brush it every minute, and the APA would probably label me as a dog-brushing addict underneath the definition.

I think it's acceptable to be screaming about how internet addiction is real and is a growing problem. But it should not be addressed the same way we treat drug addicts. Drug addicts have a serious physiological problem that ties them to certain drugs, and they require serious medical attention. An internet addict shouldn't be taking opioids to curb his/her cravings.

Sometimes mental problems are just issues that you have to face. At best, these addicts should be given a support system. From thereon, I really don't see much more we can do for them. When the dust hits, just deal with it. Your life's falling apart because Mists of Pandaria has just been released and you just can't help yourself. My sympathies will only go so far.

The same goes for other psychological addictions such as gambling or sex. When you start thinking that drugs are the cure for every psychological issue,  you've dug yourself into some deep...


Because that's where all psychological problems are headed, aren't they. Once we've labeled it as a "medical problem", we will begin treating it with "medicine". For some bizarre reason, this keeps the general public happy, as if all these pills provide some sort of sense of security.

It's the same thing as the ADHD epidemic for me. I'll admit that it's a problem. But is it a problem that requires a chemical to "fix" us? Nah. That's bull. Jake can tell you all about how pharmaceuticals try to sell that stuff.

The rehabilitation center the show focuses on is decent. Cool stuff. But I worry where this is going - we need to draw the line where psychological addictions/problems do not require medical attention. Sometimes, you just need to deal with it.

Your life blows because you gave up your friends for a keyboard, mouse, and Dell computer? You're depressed because you haven't showered and your life is going nowhere? Get your mouse together dude. You really don't know what the meaning of pain and worthlessness is. My dad sees flying ghosts and tries to hurt himself because he thinks the FBI is going to take him away and torture him. That's called psychological. That needs medication.

all you need is a pair of nice shoes.

edited by Theo Economos...