Thursday, November 8, 2012

Choice Posting 11/8

The Rolling stones are widely regarded to be one of the greatest Rock & Roll bands in Rock & Roll history. This year marks the Rolling Stone's 50th anniversary. "You can't get away from that number" chuckles Keith Richards (on a previously recorded telephone interview). However, Richards is right, 50 years is a huge accomplishment for the Rolling Stones; not many bands are still together, much less performing at 50, and this number is steadily decreasing. According to Mr. Richards, being a member of the Rolling Stones, although it may not seem it, requires a tremendous amount of focus and discipline. Now that the band is touring again, they require a great amount of discipline to tour at 50. He goes on to explain that they, as a band, feel the responsibility to continue making great music, as they have done for the past 50 years.

Stamford, a small town in Connecticut, was on the verge of disaster from Hurricane Sandy. A team of engineers clicked a computer mouse, servos and gears under the ocean began to turn, and Stamford was shielded behind 17ft walls. Completed in 1969, this barrier easily held back the 11ft storm surge that Hurricane Sandy unleashed. Recently, however, many engineers in other cities, such as New York and New Orleans, are looking into this kind of storm barrier: one that can rise and fall with the touch of a button.

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