Tuesday, October 23, 2012

2nd Choice Post: Athorization and Influences


As teenagers over time have found themselves doing illegal actions, more and more of them are caught doing illegal drugs, such a marijuana. And seeing several teenagers smoking marijuana, the controversy over legalization is brought up abundantly. Although we must ask ourselves do we really want to have this drug legalized.

Now there are several issues over the debate such as public health issues and Congress and Law but these issues only turn into a circle debate. True issues which can change the ideas of some are the little things; tiny issues which have a big impact on whether marijuana should be legalized.

The first issue would be a personal issue to all, which is those who dont smoke would eventually. This can be split into two debates. The first being that annoying kids that most dont want to smoke with would start smoking with them. This would be extremely annoying to those of did it before legalization. The second issue is that the amount of smokers would increase majorly. With everyone on this drug, it would become annoying to those who dont smoke.

Another debate is the issue of obtaining this drug. Currently, buying marijuana is simple and easy. You go to a friend of a friends house, discretely exchange goods for money and as quick as that marijuana is obatained. But now, with marijuana legalized this friend of a friend is no longer needed, nor can he exist because selling a legalized good is only legal when you have a permit to do so. So the only place to buy marijuana would be a store. While this seems simplier and easier because shops would be set up every few miles, it is not. Imagine the store would be jam packed with a long line of customers, as it probably would be every day. Now what took a few minutes to retrieve marijuana could take up to an hour. Leisurely customers would take their time deciding what breed to buy, and how much.

Pertaining to the previous scenario, the marijuana in the store is about to be bought. But what would cost between $20 and $100 could now be sold for over $300. But this $200 has not added on local tax, state tax, and federal tax. Now with all these long lines and taxes people would be missing the shady friend.

The next topic is who would grow this drug. Currently it is a man in his basement crossbreeding different plants to have a very fine drug. Marijuana would be sold at a good cost for a good product. But now the man is his basebment is obsolete. The new marijuana will be produced on some plantation in South Dakota. And the plantation owner wont spend time to create a good breed of this drug but he will instead be growing his crop based on supply and demand. In other words he will create a mass production of the drug using unethical suppliments and fertilizers on his crop.

Finally, the teenagers and highschoolers should be taken into account. Kids will always do drugs and illegal acts to look cool or be a rebel. But once marijuana is legalized and everyone is doing it, most will turn away from marijuana into a more harmful drug such a crack or heroine. Also, marijuana is one of the few drugs which is non-harmful nor addictive, so should we legalize it.

My second issue is the debate on how tv and videogames influence children. While polls can estimate on average how many hours of tv and video games kid watch and play, and record their social, mental, and emotional actions, this does not get to the source of the problem.

One problem which is a personal issue is the polls and graphs and estimates. These are all generalizations, few if any children get interviewed about their interactions and amount of tv watched. TV, from my own personal experiences, has little to no effect on my interactions socially. The only impression tv leaves on me are thoughts about monsters and evil while I lay in bed. Which leds to the other issue, the main mental breakdowns kids have are when they are very little and see an inappropriate subject on tv. Most of the inappropriate subjects contain subjects such as monsters or clown which scare them greatly. But, using me as an example, I was once horrifyingly scared by the Stephen King classic, IT. This movie had me traumatized for weeks, but once I grew up I realized that it was alright. I learned about how the movie was fake, their were actors, and the clown and monster never really existed. This proves that, yes, kids will be influenced by tv sometimes but overtime they will grow out of it.

Another issue is that parents and advisors are so focused on tv and video games influencing a childs like that they do not step back and look at the big picture. Children have other problems in their lives. Maybe, for example, a childs father beats the child and the childs mom. This, in later years, may be the "monster" he is afraid of. Or maybe a child sees his father drinking and smoking alot, this may be the reason for a kid drinking and smoking.

So the real question is, is tv and video games really influencing our lives. Maybe they're not, maybe its problems in the real world that cause problems in the head.

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