Thursday, October 18, 2012

GPS to be installed in Cobb County Buses

October 19th 2012
Buses are crucial to transportation and efficiency in the typical school day.  Without these buses, several students would not have the ability to get to school.  Parents and guardians rely on the buses to make their everyday tasks a little easier.  Lately, parents are stressed wondering whether or not the bus has dropped off their kid yet or they are worried that the bus has already come and not picked up their child.  Bus drivers do not have time to assure that every child is picked up and dropped off.  Once the student steps off the bus, they are no longer the bus driver's responsibility.  Parents continue to be uneasy about this and Cobb County believes they have an answer to these issues.

GPS (global positioning system) systems will be installed on buses to give information about arrival times, speed limits, and it can even show where the stops are.  Many other counties, such as Fulton and Henry, think this plan is much needed and are on board with the idea.

Although the Bus GPS has support from administrators and parents, there still seems to be critics.  The most vocal critics are, surprisingly, the bus drivers themselves.  They believe that these systems are unneeded and are only taking away money from the schools in a time when it is most needed.  County leaders agree that the systems are costly, but they believe the systems will cut down on travel time and cost spent on gas.  The ultimate reason for this is purely safety, which is priceless.  The children not only benefit from the safety factor seen with these systems.  The drivers will also feel a greater sense of safety.

The technology found on buses is exponentially increasing, causing a more efficient transportation system for all.

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