Thursday, October 18, 2012

Current Event: Chick-fil-A Ban

N.C. College considers Chick-fil-A Ban

An elite liberal arts college has been considering the ban of Chick-fil-A restaurants across campus. Because of the President of Chick-fil-A's recent outing of his opinion for a tradional marriage, uprisings and concerns have soon followed. Although a spokesman from the restauarant claims, "The Chick-fil-A culture and 66-year service tradition in all of its locations is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect – regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender. Our intent is not to engage in political or social debates” (Jerry Johnson). The students believe that Chick-fil-A does not comply with their anti-discrimination policy.
This event affects us for a few reasons. For one, Chick-fil-A is an Atlanta-based company. Some might attribute the opinion of the president of Chick-fil-A as a generalization idea of Atlanta and even Georgia in total. Also, if this ban spreads across multiple campuses or cities then it could affect Chick-fil-A and our economy. It is a very big and expensive franchise and a major symbol of Atlanta, like Coca-Cola. So far the article states that many campuses have already started to turn against the restaurant but few have actually carried out the campus-wide repeal of the imfamous sandwhich makers.
In a way this action can relate to the presidetial election occuring right now. It is clear that there is a big dispute on the rights of gay marriage and this is an example of how public opinions can contribute to try and change the rules. This leads to the question what will happen if President Obama becomes president. It is known that he does support gay marriage. Will the bannings of Chick-fil-A cease because the President of the Unites States has higher power than the President of Chick-fil-A? Or if Governor Romney becomes president, will the bannings increase nationwide? What will happen to the franchise of Chick-fil-A if a strong opinion towards or against gay marriage enters the White House? All that is left now is to wait.


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