Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Why Big Pharma is Evil

For my first blog post, I've decided to take this opportunity to give my rant about the evils that pharmaceutical companies are bestowing upon our nation. Most of you know something of these, as we read a New York Times article about the rise of Adderall in this very class. However the evils of these companies don't just stop there. But we'll get to that later.
As far as Adderall goes, these companies are the drug dealers to physicians, who make money each and every time a child comes into their office, and walks out with Adderall or Vyvanse. These drugs are highly addictive amphetamines that are prescribed to young children to treat ADD and ADHD. As far as ADD and ADHD go, there are no subjective tests to really see if a kid has these "conditions."Doctors are prescribing these drugs based solely on mental assessments, and the overall opinion of the Guardians and teachers. These drugs are bad news. If a kid is introduced to them at a young age (when they don't know any better), their whole lives their schoolwork and productivity become based on a substance, and it's extremely difficult to break this habit. 
The fact that these corporations know exactly what's going on here, yet they choose not to do anything, is beyond me. It's inhumane, and these companies are profiting off of a generation of amphetamine-addicted children. For you guys who are interested, there's a really good documentary on this if you'd like to learn more. 

As I said before, the evils of these companies don't stop here. Anything that won't make these companies money, they do their best to put an end to it. A recent example is that a possible cure to cancer has been found by the South Koreans using magnets to kill cancer cells. Using a magnetic field, it is the equivalent of pressing a "self-destruct" button on cancer cells. It uses a process called apaptosis, or programmed cell death. Now, you're asking yourself, what does this have to do with big Pharma? Well, this new process will likely never see the light of day in America. The reason being, this cancer treatment doesn't use drugs or Kimotherapy in any way. Therefore, it doesn't line the pockets of the Big Pharma executives. This poses a serious money loss to these corporations, so they're doing their very best to keep this out of our country. Yes, you heard right. They're trying to stop the cure for cancer.

At the heart of everything, these people are drug dealers. Yes, they're different from the man selling crack on the street corner, as they do things legally, but their principles are the same. Get people addicted to your drugs, have them depend on your product to live, then make money off of them their entire lives. 
